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1. COMPARISION BETWEEN PENTAIR CIRO SYSTEM & OSMONICS E4-3000 RO Pentair RO System (500 L P H) Osmonics E4-3000 R O System ( 600 L P H) • Suit able f o r maximum T D S 1500 / 3000 ppm. • Suit ab le f o r maxi mum T D S 20 00 ppm. • Thre e sta ge NSF certif ie d p r e-tre a tme n t ca rtridg e filtr a ti on . • One st ag e n on- NSF cert ifie d pr e-tre a tme n t cartrid ge fi ltra tion. • Post treatment (polishing cartridge). • No post tre a t m ent ( p o lis hi ng cartrid g e ) • FRP me mbr a ne pres sur e v e ssel. • Stai nl ess St e e l pr ess u r e ves s el. • Fully enclos ed cabinet m o unted system. • Open to air skid mounted system. • Three flow indicators. • Two flow indicators. • D o w m e m b r a n e s . • Osmo nic s m e mbr a nes.
2. COMPARISION BETWEEN PENTAIR CIRO SYSTEM & OSMONICS E4-3000 RO Features / Spec ificati on Pentair CIRO Osmonics E4-3 000 RO Benefi ts Input TDS Can handle wat e r up to a maximum TDS of 3000 ppm Can handle water up to a maximum TDS of 1500 ppm • The CIRO system can be oper a ted for much highe r TDS ranges. No need to chang e/upgrade syst em if the water quality detoriates. Feed Water Limiting Conditions Maximum temperature: 40 0 C Turbidity: < 1 NTU Hardness: < 250 ppm Maximum temperature: 30 0 C Turbidity: Nil Hardness: NA • Due to less st ringent feed limiting conditions of P entair CIRO system, the pre-treatme nt and operatio n & maintenance co st will be le ss. Pretreatment Ca rtridges Filters Three - stage pre-filters Stage 1: NSF certified Pentek ca rtridge Stage 2: Pentek cartridge Stage 3: NSF certified Pentek ca rtridge One stage, non NSF certified cartridge is provided • Efficient removal of micron suspended solids, iron & scaling properties of wat e r. • Compact, hygie n ic and safe as uses food grade mate rials. • Trouble free & easy operation and maintenance. • NSF certified ensures better quality Polish i ng Cartridges Filter One numbe r world class NSF certified “Pentek” cartrid ge is provided for post treatment of RO water. No polishing car t ridge is provide d for post treatment of RO water. • Automatic pH correction of permeate water. • Compact, hygie n ic and safe as uses food grade mate rials • Lower operating cost – no che m ica l addition and backwash • NSF certified ensures better quality
3. Features Pentair RO Osmonics E4-3 000 RO Benefi ts Pr essur e Vessel MOC (Material o f Construction): FRP Make: Pentair MOC (Mate r ial of Construction): Stainless steel Make: Osmonics • FRP technology is proven to be more advance and bet ter technology. • FRP gives you hassle free operation and longer life whereas Steel requires regular maintenance d ue to corrosion and deposits. • FRP is light in weight and easy to handle during membrane cleaning and maintenance. • Hygienic and cost effective over a period of time. RO Memb rane Dow memb rane s are used. Osmonics membranes are used. • Dow memb rane s are world No. 1 membrane. • Easy ava ilability & replacement Non-retu rn Valv e Provided Not mentioned • Saving from costly repair as it protects the cartridges filters and high pressure pump from back flow. Cabinet Mounted Cabinet mount ed completely enclosed system Skid mounted o pen system. • Pr otect system fr om dust & foreign elements. • Compact and attractive look. • Trouble free & easy operation and maintenance. Needle Valve Provided. Not Provided. • Protect the pre ssure gauges from damage. • Increases the life of pre ssure gauges. Flow Indicator Three (feed, reject & permeate) flow indicators are provided. Two (feed & pe rmeate) flow indi cators are provided. • Due to installa tion of reject flow indicator , the r e cover y of s yste m can be optimised. Flushing Manual flushing provided. (Re-circulation loop is provided which help in automatic flushing of membra ne at time of system star t) . Auto flushing pr ovided. • Auto flush is co nvenient but lea d s to wastage of water in case f l ushing is not required. Gree n area in dicate s feature benefit / advantage over Osm onics.
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