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1. Jäger Group of Companies Data Sheet JetFlex ® Disc Diffuser - HD270 R¾ EPDM F053 J27 DataSheetHD270_R¾_F053_J27
4. Specification SSOTE [ %/m imm ] 3 (red) and Headloss (blue) versus Airflow per Diffuser for Disc Diffuser JetFlex ® HD270 EPDM F053 J27 5,00 5,20 5,40 5,60 5,80 6,00 6,20 6,40 6,60 6,80 7,00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 [Standard-m³/h] [%/m] 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 [hPa] Storage: Diffuser and/or rubber sleeves must be stored facto ry-packed in a dark, dry, ventilated and dust-free storage space according to DIN 7716. Avoid frost, heat, UV/radiation, dust and working which can cause damage of diffuser and/ or packing. Do not store outdoors! The storage of rubber parts until installation/starting operation should not exceed one year. At on-site delivery, al l rubber and plastic parts must be stored in their original packaging. Crates exposed to direct sunlight must be covered with tarpaulin to protect against UV-radiation. Maintenance: Regular maintenance on a yearly basis is mandatory. Inspect diffusers visually after emptying tanks and cleaning diffusers. Removing deposits wil l increase lifetime significantly. Formic acid cleaning works against scaling only. Flushing diffu sers at maximum short-term airflow will keep diffusers in good condition over a long period of t ime. Please refer to data sheets and O&M manuals for details. Membrane lifetime: More than 5 years in municipal waste water treatmen t plants, depending on waste water influent and operation condition. Disclaimer: This information is based on our present state of knowledge and is intended to provide general notes on our products and their uses. It should not therefore be construed as guarantee ing specific properties of the products described or their suitability for a particular application. Any existing industrial property rights mus t be observed. The quality of our products is guaranteed under our General Condi- tion of Sale. Jäger Umwelt-Technik GmbH & Co. KG Jaeger Rubber and Plastics Ltd. Bissendorfer Strasse 6 Silicon Valley Industry Park 30625 Hannover 518110 Shenzhen Tel.: 05121-9138-900 (Hildesheim Plant) Phone: +86-755-2983 2412 2013 04 15 3 Aggregated data for all disc sizes. Observe all ai r flow restrictions. Lab conditions only; no liabil ity assumed; SSOTE according to DWA-M 209: Specific Standard Oxygen Tr ansfer Efficiency. Contact Jaeger for a detailed la y-out & design for your individual plant.
3. Specification Connecting to Header Pipes Type Wall Thickness Opening in Header Material Colour R¾ external thread only [mm] [mm] Universal Saddle Glue-on Saddle 90 mm Glue-on Saddle 110 mm 4 – 8 > 2 > 2 32 35 35 EPDM 75 PVC PVC black grey/white grey/white Various saddle-clamps available. See our brochure “ Accessories” for details. Material Properties Elastomeric Membrane Type EPDM F053 Colour black Polymer 33% Carbon Black 31% Plasticizer 33% Residue 3% Density DIN EN ISO 1183 1,08 ± 0,03 g/cm³ Tensile Strength DIN 53504 (comparable to ISO 37) > 10 MPa Elongation at Break DIN 53504 (comparable to ISO 37 ) > 400% Tear Resistance DIN ISO 34 (comparable to ASTM D 624 T) > 7 N/mm Hardness DIN 53505 (comparable to DIN EN ISO 868) 53± 5 Shore A Tension Set (100% Elongation;24 h; RT) ISO 2285 < 7% Ozone Resistance ISO 1431 Grade 0 (no cracks) Plastic Parts Material Colour Additional Colours Logo PP 30% GF black minimum quantity 5,000+ upon reques t 5,000+ Logistics Shipping Unit Dimensions Weight per carton Cartons per Pallet Pallet size (LWH) Weight [mm] [kg] [mm] [kg] 50 pc/Carton 800*600*360 35 1 – 3 800*600*1200 Max . 117 kg 50 pc/Carton 800*600*360 35 2 – 8 1200*800*1550 Ma x. 287 kg
2. Specification Installation Drawing 1 for Standard Thread R¾ Dimensions Height (C) Diameter Total (A) / Effective Mounting height (B) Active Area Ø Orifice Non-Return Valve Thread 2 [mm] [mm] [mm] [m²] [mm] 60 268\218 30 0,037 6 Optional R¾ ET Operating Conditions Air Flow Max. overload/ maintenance airflow rate Operating Temperature Mode Application [ h m N / 3 ] [ h m N / 3 ] [°C] 2-6 10 5 – 60 continuous / intermittent residential wastewater Shutdown of operation is highly recommended for air flow rates lower than minimum rate. Do not apply overload air flow rate (e.g. cleaning) for more than 10 minutes each day Numbers are for guidance only. Operating diffusers at too high or too low an airflow rate may reduce l ifetime or performance. See Technical Report `Slit size for ae ration membranes ́ for details. 1 This is an exemplary concept for R¾ external threa d only. Not all commercially available sockets may be suitable for the thread provided with our disc diffuser. Always test in advance or use our clamp or glue-on saddles wit h R¾ internal thread. 2 Always check in advance suitability of thread prov ided with our disc and sockets existing at the cons truction site. A B C
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