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2. storage and handling cautions Package unit - 1m3 tote bin - 200L drum LT -C1, C2, C3 (Bio-Organic breaker for oil-water Emulsions ) In handling LT-C series, there is a need to use acid-resista nt material. Light clouding does not impair the efficiency of the pr oduct. At temperature below -10 °C it may come to reversible crystallisation. A regular inspection of the storage tanks and dosing equip ment is advisable. Please contact us at any time for questions regarding stor age, handling and other detailed information you may require. - 200L drum - 20L Plastic barrel - 1 gallon*4/BOX FILAST( 필 라 스 트 ) COMPANY 70, SANEOPDANJI 4-RO, EOMO-MYEON, GIMCHEON-SI, GYEO NGSANGBUK-DO, KOREA Tel : 82-54-431-8101 Fax : 82-54-431-8102 Copyright by FILAST COMPANY. All Rights Reserved.
1. Product features product specification LT -C1, C2, C3 (Bio-Organic breaker for oil-water Emulsions ) LT-C series products are cationic polymers based on organic a nd bio-based raw materials. The main application areas for splitting waste emulsions a re in the automotive industries, as well as in the glass-, mineral oil-and steel industry. Furthermore, LT-C series cna be applied in rolling mil ls, foundries and the metal-working industry. Due to their organic raw material basis no product condi tioned sludge is to be expected. Splitting can be performed at the original pH. Applications product specification - Colour : brown, cloudy - pH(at 20 °C) : 7.0 ~ 9.0 - specific gravity(at 20 °C ) : 1.10 ± 0.05 - Freezing point : -10°C ~ 0°C - Storage time(at 0~30°C) : 6months LT-C series can be applied in its undiluted form. For economical use a 1: 1 dilution is recommended. Dosing should be determined on a case-to-case basis. The optimal dosage should be between 50 ~ 3000 ppm an d should be determined during laboratory testing FILAST( 필 라 스 트 ) COMPANY 70, SANEOPDANJI 4-RO, EOMO-MYEON, GIMCHEON-SI, GYEO NGSANGBUK-DO, KOREA Tel : 82-54-431-8101 Fax : 82-54-431-8102 Copyright by FILAST COMPANY. All Rights Reserved.
4. 보관및취급시주의사항 포장단위 - 1m3 tote bin - 200L drum LT-C series 취급시내화학성용기를사용하며 , 보호용장비를착용하시오 . -10 °C 이하의온도에서는결정화될수있으므로보관에주의하시오 . 저장탱크및투입펌프방비는정기적으로점검하시오 . 보관시직사광선을피하고 , 서늘하고그늘진곳에보관하시오 . LT -C1, C2, C3 ( 친환경 유기성 유수분리제 ) - 200L drum - 20L Plastic barrel - 1 gallon*4/BOX FILAST( 필 라 스 트 ) COMPANY 70, SANEOPDANJI 4-RO, EOMO-MYEON, GIMCHEON-SI, GYEO NGSANGBUK-DO, KOREA Tel : 82-54-431-8101 Fax : 82-54-431-8102 Copyright by FILAST COMPANY. All Rights Reserved.
3. 제품기능 제품특성 - 색상 : 짙은황갈색점조액 LT -C1, C2, C3 ( 친환경 유기성 유수분리제 ) 유수분리제제품은유기성및바이오원재료를기반으로한양이온성폴리머이다 . 폐유성물질배출의 주요적용분야는자동차산업뿐만아니라 , 유리 , 광석유 , 철강산업이다 . 게다가 , 유수분리제 제품은압연공정 , 주조공장및금속작업산업분야에적용될수있다 . 유기성물질을토대로하기때문에어떠한제품의조건에서도슬러지의발생량이 없다 . 분리과정은원 pH( 중성영역 ) 에서 가장효과적이다 . 제품적용 - pH(at 20 °C) : 7.0 ~ 9.0 - 비중 ( at 20 °C ) : 1.10 ± 0.05 - 어느점 : -10 ~ 0°C - 유효기간(at 0~30°C) : 6개월 이내 본제품 LT-C series 제품은원액상태로적용할수있다 . 경제적인사용을위해서는 1:1 희석하여사용하는것도좋다 .( 폐유상태에따라농도결정 필요 ) 투입량의산정은폐유의상태에따라투입량기준을결정해야한다 . 통상최적용량은 50 ~ 3000ppm 으로투입되지만 , LAB 실험을통한투입량산정결정이 중요하다 . FILAST( 필 라 스 트 ) COMPANY 70, SANEOPDANJI 4-RO, EOMO-MYEON, GIMCHEON-SI, GYEO NGSANGBUK-DO, KOREA Tel : 82-54-431-8101 Fax : 82-54-431-8102 Copyright by FILAST COMPANY. All Rights Reserved.
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