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1. COOLING WATER CHEMICAL INDION 5547 Corrosion & Scale Inhibitor for Closed Heating & Cooling Systems APPLICATION: INDION 5547 non-polluting cooling water treatment chemical provides superior corrosion and scale protection in all types of closed systems. INDION 5547 contains a complete corrosion inhibitor system that protects the yellow metals and iron. The new closed system scale inhibitor in INDION 5547 prevents scale in systems that must use hard water as make-up. Prevention of scale results in improved heat transfer for improved production rates and reduced energy consumption. FEATURES: Ready to use liquid. Easy to handle and apply. Effective in softened or de-mineralized water. Prevents corrosion for extended equipment life. Prevents scale to minimize maintenance expense. Non-polluting character lowers waste treatment costs. Non-toxic properties protect maintenance personnel. PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS: Appearance : Pink Liquid pH as such : > 11.5 Specific gravity at 20 o C : 1.15 - 1.30 DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Premixed solution of INDION 5547 and softened make-up water are desirable to assure adequate treatment levels in you system. INDION 5547 can be added directly, as received to your closed heating or cooling system. Our Sales Engineer will determine the optimum dosages based on your systems requirements. LIMITATIONS AND HANDLING: Harmful if swallowed. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. If material gets on skin, wash with plenty of water. If eyes are affected, immediately flush with water for at least 10 minutes and get medical attention. Use protective clothing, gloves and goggles. Wash out empty containers thoroughly with water before disposal. PB - 5547 / Rev - 5
2. COOLING WATER CHEMICAL STORAGE: Keep container tightly closed in a cool place. No warranty, expressed or implied is made, except that the products herein discussed comply with the chemical description. Buyer assumes risks of the use, storage and handling. Ion Exchange (India) Ltd. shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages arising directly or indirectly in connection with the purchase, use, storage or handling of this product. The information contained herein is, to the best of our knowledge is true and accurate. However, all recommendations or suggestions are made without guarantee, since the conditions of use are beyond our control. We disclaim any liability incurred in connection with the use of these da ta or suggestions. INDION is the registered trademark of Ion Exchange (India) Ltd. 6-3-347/9, Plot 134, 4 th floor, Riviera Apartments, Dwarakapuri Colony, Punjagutta, Hyderabad - 500082 Tel: 040-30663101 / 30663102 / 30663103; Fax: 040-30663104; email: hydcro@ionexchange.co.in CORPORATE OFFICE Tiecicon House, Dr. Moses Road, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai - 400 011. Tel: 022-39890909 / 30472000; Fax : 022-24938737 e-mail : ieil@ionexchange.co.in Website : www.ionindia.com REGIONAL OFFICES Chennai Tel: 044 - 3910 2900 Fax : 044 - 28153361 e-mail : checro@ionexchange.co.in New Delhi Tel: 011 - 30543200 Fax : 011 - 2577 4837 e-mail : delcro@ionexchange.co.in Kolkata Tel : 033 - 24007226/ 4341 / 4349 Fax : 033 - 4004345 e-mail : calcro@ionexchange.co.in Mumbai Tel:022-39890909/3913230/2254 Fax : 022 - 27889839 e-mail : hocro@ionexchange.co.in Vadodara Tel: 0265 - 2396506/ 7/ 7638 Fax : 0265 - 2398508 e-mail : brdcro@ionexchange.co.in INTERNATIONAL DIVISION R-14, T.T.C. MIDC, Thane-Belapur Road, Rabale, Navi Mumbai – 400 701. Tel: 022 - 39890909 / 39132400; Fax : 022 - 27697918 e-mail : rabcrointl@ionexchange.co.in BRANCH OFFICES Bangalore Tel : 080 - 25284696/7 Fax : 080 - 25295795 e-mail: bngcro@ionexchange.co.in Chandigarh Tel : 0172 - 2745011 Fax : 0172 - 2744594 e-mail: bngcro@ionexchange.co.in Hyderabad Tel: 040 - 30663101/2/3 Fax: 040 - 30663104 e-mail: hydcro@ionexchange.co.in Indore Tel : 0731 - 5064875 Fax : 0731 - 5041578 email: indore.gen@ionexchange.co.in Lucknow Tel : 0522 - 3013401/ 02 Fax : 0522 - 3013401 email: luk.general@ionexchange.co.in Pune: Tel : 020 - 30626160 Fax : 020 - 27146109 email: pun.general@ionexchange.co.in FACTORIES * Ankleshwar * Hosur * Patancheru * Rabale * Verna ALL INDIA NETWORK OF SERVICE COMPANIES AND DEALERS
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