Reverse Osmosis Membrane MBR
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1. AG4040FM WET 2,200 (8.3) 99.5% 99.0% AG4040NM 2,200 (8.3) 99.2% 98.5% AG4040 TM 2,200 (8.3) 99.5% 99.0% AG8040C 9,900 (37.3 ) 99.5% 99.0% AG8040F 9,600 (36.3 ) 99.5% 99.0% AG8040F WET 9,600 (36.3 ) 99.5% 99.0% AG8040F 400 10,500 (39.8) 99.5% 99.0% AG8040F 400 WE T 10,500 (39.8) 99.5% 99.0% AG8040N 9,600 (36.3 ) 99.2% 98.5% AG8040N 400 10,500 (39.8) 99.2% 98.5% AG Series Standard Brackish Water RO Elements Fact Sh eet The A-Series, family of proprietary thin-film reve rse os- mosis membrane elements are characterized by high flux and high sodium chloride rejection. AG Standard Mod e l Me m bran e are a ft 2 (m 2 ) Outer wrap Part nu m b e r US 1 Part nu m b e r O t her pl ants² Brackish Water Elements are selected when high reje c- tion and operating pressures as low as 200 psi (1,379 kPa) are desired. These elements allow moderate ene rgy AG2540FM 29 (2.6) Fiberglass 1206727 N/A AG2540TM 29 (2.6) Tape 1206729 N/A AG4025T 60 (5.6) Tape 1206754 N/A Table 1: Element Specification Membrane A - Serie s , Thin-Film Membrane ( T FM*) AG4026F 60 (5.6) Fiberglass 1206756 N/A AG4040C 90 (8.4) Cage 1206757 N/A AG4040CM 90 (8.4) Cage 1206759 N/A AG4040FM 85 (7.9) Fiberglass 1206761 3032513 AG4040FM WET 85 (7.9) Fiberglass 3013808 3035659 Mod e l perme a te flow gpd (m 3 / day ) 1,2 r e jectio n 1,2 r e jectio n 1,2 AG4040NM 85 (7.9) Net 1231785 N/A AG4040TM 85 (7.9) Tape 1206774 3032514 AG8040C 380 (35.3 ) Cage 1222546 N/A AG8040F 365 (33.9 ) Fiberglass 1206779 3032515 AG8040F WET 365 (33.9 ) Fiberglass 1239765 3032516 AG8040F 400 400 (37.2 ) Fiberglass 1206784 3032518 AG8040F 400 WET 400 (37.2 ) Fiberglass 1239764 3032519 AG8040N 365 (33.9 ) Net 1231784 N/A AG8040N 400 400 (37.2 ) Net 1231786 N/A 1 A v e r a g e s a l t r e j e ctio n after 24 hours o p e r a t i o n . Individual flow rate may va r y +25%/-15%. 2 Testing conditions: 2,000 ppm N a C l solution at 225 psi ( 1,551 kPa) operating pressu r e , 77°F (25°C ) , pH 7.5 an d 15% r e c o very. ²These e l ements are r o ll ed in Chi n a , India and Hungary. Figure 1: E l ement Dimensions Diagram – Female Figure 2: Element Dimensions Diagram – Male Find a contact near you by visit i ng a nd c l icking on “Contact U s ”. * Trademark of General E l ec t r ic Co mpany ; may be re gis t ered i n one or more c o unt ries . ©2011, Gen era l Electric Company. All rights res e rv ed. FS1262EN.doc Ja n-11 Contact us for GE membranes, Purtrex, Hytrex, Aquat rex, RO Save Zplex filters. 910-612-6700
2. Ty pic a l Operating Pressure 200 psi (1,379 kPa) Ty pic a l Operating F l ux 10-20GFD (15- 35LMH ) Maximum Operating Pressure Tap e 450 psi (3,103 kPa) Other outerwrap: 600 psi (4,137 kPa) Maximum Temperature Continuous op er atio n: 122°F (50°C ) Clean-In-Place ( CIP): 122°F (50°C) pH Range Optimum r e ject ion: 7.0-7.5, Cont in uo us operation: 4.0-11.0, Clean-In-Place ( CIP): 2.0-11.5 Maximum Pressure Drop Over an element: 12 psi (83 kPa) Per housing: 50 psi ( 345 kPa) Chlo r i ne T o ler a nce 1,000+ pp m-ho urs, D e chl o ri nat i o n re comm e nd e d Feedwater NTU < 1 SDI < 5 A B 2 C 3 40.0 0.75 2.4 (101.6) (1.90) OD (6.1) 40.0 0.75 2.4 (101.6) (1.90) OD (6.1) 25.0 0.625 3.9 (63.5) (1.59) (9.9) 26.0 0.625 3.9 (66.7) (1.59) (9.9) 40.0 0.625 3.9 (101.6) (1.59) (9.9) 40.0 0.75 3.9 (101.6) (1.90) OD (9.9) 40.0 0.75 3.9 (101.6) (1.90) OD (9.9) 40.0 0.75 3.9 (101.6) (1.90) OD (9.9) 40.0 0.75 3.9 (101.6) (1.90) OD (9.9) 40.0 0.75 3.9 (101.6) (1.90) OD (9.9) 40.0 1.125 7.9 (101.6) (2.86) (20.1) 40.0 1.125 7.9 (101.6) (2.86) (20.1) 40.0 1.125 7.9 (101.6) (2.86) (20.1) 40.0 1.125 7.9 (101.6) (2.86) (20.1) 40.0 1.125 7.9 (101.6) (2.86) (20.1) 40.0 1.125 7.9 (101.6) (2.86) (20.1) 40.0 1.125 7.9 (101.6) (2.86) (20.1) Table 2: Dimensions and Weight Table 3: Operating and CIP para m eters Mod e l 1 AG2540FM AG2540 TM AG4025 T AG4026F AG4040C AG4040CM AG4040FM AG4040FM WET AG4040NM AG4040 TM AG8040C AG8040F AG8040F WET AG8040F 400 AG8040F 400 WE T AG8040N AG8040N 400 Dimensions, i nch es ( c m) Box e d We ig ht lbs (k g ) 5 (2.3) 5 (2.3) 5 (2.3) 6 (2.7) 8 (3.5) 8 (3.5) 8 (3.5) 8 (3.5) 8 (3.5) 8 (3.5) 32 (14.5) 32 (14.5) 35 (16) 32 (14.5) 35 (16) 32 (14.5) 32 (14.5) 1 These e l ements are bagged dried, un l e ss spec i f i e d WET, before s hi pp i ng . 2 Internal diameter unless sp e c i fie d OD (ou t s i d e d i ame t er ) . 3 The element diameter ( di m e ns i on C ) is d e s i gned for optimum performance in GE pressure ve ss e l s. Ot he r pressure vessel dimension and tolerance may result in excessive bypass and loss of cap a city. Page 2 FS1262EN
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