Solid rain help preventing the drought and famine

"Solid rain" may be unfamiliar to most people, but in fact it has been used Mexican farmers throughout the past decade to combat severe drought as well as increase productivity for crop.

A rain solid particles can absorb and retain large quantities of water 500 times its volume. Crystal beads similar to white sugar is the study of chemical engineers Jésus Rico Mexican Sergio Velasco.

The story of solid rain originates from 1970, when the US Department of Agriculture that has invented a super absorbent powder, which is used mainly for children's diapers, but he Velasco had borrowed this idea to prevent drought .

Solid Rain water powder product

Sold for $ 55 USD / kg, solid rain is composed of potassium polyacrylate chemical compounds with super-absorbent properties. Specifically, 10 grams of solid rain can drain 1 liter of water. When suck enough water, the plastic particles turn into a gel coating, exists as a tiny water storage container for several years. The water is kept inside the solid rain did not evaporate or seep into the ground, but only when the roots reduced consumption plugged into. After expiry, the crystals melt and does not adversely affect the soil.

Water seeped into potassium polyacrylate particles can be stored up to 1 year without evaporator. The roots can absorb water system directly from the beads. So Solid Rain can be added to soil to supply water to the plant.

The Mexician used the solid rain resin to prevent the drought for the past decade

The Mexican government has conducted a study with powder Solid Rain water in the arid region in the state of Hidalgo, solid rain gave astonishing results. For example, 1 ha of oats normally harvested 2.5 tons 1 ha was applied, then the yield grains doubled, to 5 tons. For sunflowers, that rate increased 3 times, while the yield beanstalk nearly 7 times.

Solid rain was 2 times the Stockholm International Water Institute Award nomination for Global Water, as well as the prize of Ecology and Environment of the non-profit organization Fundacion Miguel Aleman in Mexico.

Whatever became the "workhorse" of agriculture in Mexico more than a decade but solid rain has not been widely known in the world, because the company owns no advertising investment for the product. However, recently the names of solid rain has also spread to countries often suffer from drought as India and Australia. Recently, the US has also licensed for the sale of solid rain on the Chinese market.

(According to: Vietnamnet)